Recent Cases

Mandatory Interlock Program

Since 1 February 2015 drivers who are convicted of high range, repeat or other serious drink driving offences in New South Wales will automatically be subject to the Alcohol Interlock Program. Prior to 1 February 2015 this program was voluntary..

New ‘one punch’ law

There is now a mandatory minimum sentence of 8 years in jail for a ‘one punch’ assault in NSW. The maximum sentence for this offence is 25 years.

Unprecedented crack down on illegal firearms

Operation Unification starts on 24 May 2013. Police to appeal to community and criminals to call the Crime Stoppers Hotline with information on illegal guns.

Drug Driving

More and more people are being charged with ‘Drug Driving’ as the Police target drivers affected by illegal substances. There are defences available to Drug Driving charges even if you have a positive test result.

Children and the Young Offenders Act

A child who is dealt with by warning, caution or conference under the Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW) cannot have a conviction recorded against them.

If you have been charged with an offence, or are seeking further information on a Criminal or Traffic legal matter, call North Shore Criminal Law on (02) 9955 2298 or out 24hr Emergency on 0400 44 64 24.